If you want to move the geometry service from the Utilities folder of your ArcGIS Server site to another folder, you'll need to delete the service and re-create it in the desired folder using the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory.
To re-create the geometry service, follow these steps:
- In a web browser, open the Administrator Directory. The URL is formatted http://gisserver.domain.com:6080/arcgis/admin and log in.
- In the Administrator Directory, click services.
- In the folders list, select the folder that will contain the geometry service. If you don't see an appropriate folder, you can create one by choosing createFolder.
- Click createService.
- On the Operation - createService page, paste the following JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) into the Service Properties text box:
- Click Create.
Your geometry service is created and appears in the Services list.
- Optionally, start the geometry service by clicking Geometry and clicking start on the Service - Geometry (GeometryServer) page.
"serviceName": "Geometry",
"type": "GeometryServer",
"description": "The Geometry service is used by application developers to assist with geometric operations such as projecting, generalizing, and intersecting geometry.",
"capabilities": "null",
"minInstancesPerNode": 1,
"maxInstancesPerNode": 2,
"instancesPerContainer": 1,
"maxWaitTime": 60,
"maxStartupTime": 300,
"maxIdleTime": 1800,
"maxUsageTime": 600,
"loadBalancing": "ROUND_ROBIN",
"isolationLevel": "HIGH",
"configuredState": "STOPPED",
"recycleInterval": 24,
"recycleStartTime": "00:00",
"keepAliveInterval": -1,
"private": false,
"isDefault": false,
"maxUploadFileSize": -1,
"allowedUploadFileTypes": "",
"properties": {},
"extensions": [],
"datasets": []
Do not change the value for serviceName. Clients will be unable to consume your geometry service if it is named something other than Geometry.